Resetting Your Webex Password

Resetting Your Webex Password

This Confluence article provides user instructions for resetting the login password for your Bethel Webex account. Other Webex-related knowledge base articles are located within the Webex section of Confluence.

Note: If you do not know your Webex password, the below steps will not work. You must email the ITS Help Desk at helpdesk@bethel.edu and ITS staff will be able to assist with a Webex password reset.

To jump to a specific header in this article:

  1. Webex Account Information

  2. Logging into the Evolve IP OSSmosis Personal Portal

  3. Resetting your Webex Password

Webex Account Information

Bethel ITS obtains its Webex licenses through our phone vendor, Evolve IP. Because of this, the login credentials and password reset process involves Evolve IP’s system (you may have noticed the 2nd username for your Webex login ends with “@voip.evolveip.net” and this is why).

Because the license for a Bethel Webex account is managed by Evolve IP, to reset your Webex password without the assistance of Bethel ITS, you must login to the Evolve IP OSSmosis Personal Portal with similar credentials to how you login to the Webex app, but slightly different. This will be explained below.

Logging Into the Evolve IP OSSmosis Personal Portal

  1. Navigate in a web browser to https://evolveip.my-cloud-manager.com/PersonalPortal/login.jsp. The website will appear with a login page for User ID and Password.

Personal Portal Login.png
  1. In the User ID field, enter your Bethel phone number.

    1. Note: Unlike your Webex login, this login contains no email signature after the phone number (e.g. if your phone number is 6516386500, for your Webex login, you enter 6516386500@voip.evolveip.net, but for this login, you enter just 6516386500). Only enter your 10-digit phone number.

  2. In the Password field, enter the same password as your Webex account.

    1. Note: This is not your Bethel account password or voicemail password. This password is specific only to your Webex account and this login page for the Evolve IP OSSmosis Personal Portal.

  3. Click the Log on button to login.

  4. Upon logging in, the Evolve IP OSSmosis Personal Portal website appears as below:

Personal Portal Main Screen.png

Resetting your Webex Password

  1. To access the password change options, click the Account tab on the top row (highlighted in yellow in the photo below).

Evolve Portal Account.png
  1. To reset the password for your Webex account, enter a new password in the input box to the right of NEW Web/Toolbar Password (highlighted in red in the photo above). Note the password restrictions in italicized font to the right of the input box.

  2. Enter the same password in the input box to the right of Type New Web/Toolbar Password again to confirm.

  3. Click Save Changes on the left column (highlighted in yellow in the photo above).

  4. Your Webex password has been changed. Click the Log Out button in the top-right corner of the Evolve IP OSSmosis Personal Portal website (see photo above).

  5. If you are currently logged out of your Webex account, follow the steps in the article for Logging Into and Signing Out of Webex to log back into the Webex app with your new password.

  6. Evolve IP’s Webex licenses follow a 90 day password reset policy. More details about this and how to navigate the password expiring after 90 days can be found here: Webex FAQs | Does Webex have a password reset policy?

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