Changing Your Password in IAM

Changing Your Password in IAM


Changing your password in IAM (Identity & Access Management) will affect the password you use to login to anything Bethel related. To change your password, follow the instructions below.  


  1. Login to IAM at https://iam.bethel.edu using your current username and password.

  2. Then click on Change Password, under the Application heading.

  3. Then type in your new password in the New password and Retype password fields.

  4. Once you have typed in your passwords into the fields, click Change Password. This will be the new password you use from now on.

Forgotten Password

If you've forgotten your password, you can enter your username at this link: https://iam.bethel.edu/sspr/public/forgottenpassword to send a reset to your recovery account. 

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