Managing Recovery Email Address in IAM

Managing Recovery Email Address in IAM

This feature is currently unavailable during our IAM upgrade.


Bethel Community applicants, students, and alumni can recover their passwords through a recovery email address. The steps below will help you change your recovery email address in IAM. For information on recovering your forgotten password or username through a recovery email, click here.


  1. Log into iam.bethel.edu. 
  2. On the left hand side, click Manage Recovery Email Address.

  3. From the drop down menu, select either an email that is already in our database, or choose to enter an alternate email address. 

    Note: If you select a Bethel email address, you will not be able to access your recovery email unless it is forwarded to an alternate address. 

  4. Click Update.

  5. A verification of the update will be sent to your inbox.

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