Application - AMOS (Add on Module for SPSS)



AMOS(Analysis of Moment Structures) is an add-on module for SPSS. It is designed primarily for structural equation modeling, path analysis, and covariance structure modeling, though it may be used to perform linear regression analysis and ANOVA and ANCOVA. 

IBM® SPSS® Amos enables you to specify, estimate, assess and present models to show hypothesized relationships among variables. The software lets you build models more accurately than with standard multivariate statistics techniques. Users can choose either the graphical user interface or non-graphical, programmatic interface.

SPSS Amos allows you to build attitudinal and behavioral models that reflect complex relationships. The software:

    •  Provides structural equation modeling (SEM)—that is easy to use and lets you easily compare, confirm and refine models.
    •  Uses Bayesian analysis—to improve estimates of model parameters.
    • Offers various data imputation methods—to create different data sets.


AMOS at Bethel University

Amos is currently available in the Psychology Lab AC341 and is available under Bethel's SPSS Campus License for installation  on any Bethel owned computer on request. Send your request to ITS Help Desk or contact TLT.

Learn AMOS

Introduction to AMOS (External YouTube Link if embedded version fails to appear below)