Classroom Technology Equipment Reservations

Classroom Technology Equipment Reservations

Mobile Computer Cart for in classroom use:

Anderson Center (2 Pine Tree) Equipment Reservation Form

Lakeside Center and Main Campus: Please Reserve and Checkout Computers via the Library Circulation Desk using the Bethel Main Campus Equipment Reservation Form

Other Classroom Technology:

Available at Anderson Center (2 Pine Tree) for in-class use.

Anderson Center Equipment Reservation Form

VHS/DVD Combo Player (Available from ANC238 (Storage) or ANC270 (TLT)

Display Adapters (in the wall cabinet, to the left as you enter the 200 level classroom suite): Mini-display port to HDMI, USB-C to HDMI, VGA to HDMI)
Kensington remote presenters with laser pointer (in the wall cabinet, to the left as you enter the 200 level classroom suite)

Available at Bethel University Main Library - Ask at the front Checkout Desk. (24 hour checkout)

Bethel Main Campus Equipment Reservation Form 

VHS/DVD Player (For DVD's use the PC optical drive in each classroom)
Digital video and still cameras
Web Cameras (for use with Adobe Connect)
Digital voice recorders
Connectors and Cables
Wireless Remote Presenters 
Conference Microphones
and more.....