Accreditation Visits
Accreditation Visits
Many times a year, accreditors will visit campus to audit different academic programs. In order to make those visits go well, ITS need to provide support for these events.
Most accreditors will have very common requirements for their visit: a computer to access the content or wifi if they bring their own computer, printing (often requiring a printer in the same room), access into Moodle courses, and access to syllabi (often stored on the NAS). The easiest way to accommodate these requirements is to grant the accreditor with a BCA and provide the necessary access into Moodle and the NAS.
The ITS Help Desk will (if necessary):
- contact Academic Affairs to create sponsored-faculty roles for the accreditors
- contact Print Services to have a printer brought to the specified room
- provide a laptop(s) to access content
- contact Moodle course designers for access to Moodle - or - contact Moodle course designers to schedule when they will sit down with the accreditor
- provide tactical NAS support in creating a folder structure that will provide a secure connection to the necessary documents