Course Syllabi/Outside Resources

Course Syllabi/Outside Resources

At the beginning of each term, teachers are expected to submit to the appropriate academic office a syllabus for each course to be taught. Requirements for syllabi information can be obtained from the appropriate academic office. Such syllabi should provide students with at least the following information: 

  • course schedule
  • requirements
  • evaluation and grading procedures
  • attendance policies
  • texts
  • prerequisites, if any
  • faculty office location and hours

Inclusion of a statement of course outcomes is recognized as good practice and is strongly encouraged. Additional information on syllabus policies is available on MyBethel.

For CAS faculty, please consult the Syllabi Guidelines found on the Academic Affairs web page. All syllabi must include the full statement on our accommodations policy, which is below. This statement can also be found in the academic catalog under “General Information” and then “Course Policies and Grades”. 

Disability-related accommodations are determined by the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services (OARS). Students are responsible to contact the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services. Once OARS determines that accommodations are to be made, they will notify the student and the instructor via email. Students choosing to use the disability-related accommodations must contact the instructor no later than five business days before accommodations are needed. The instructor will provide accommodations, but the student is required to initiate the process for the accommodations.

For CAPS/Seminary/GS faculty, click on the Academic Affairs (CAPS/GS) tab > Course and Program Development > New Program and Courses Development and Approval Process (PDF).

Teachers are encouraged to enrich their classes through the use of media and outside speakers. Often these can be secured at little or no cost. When rental fees and honoraria are required, these should be provided within the approved departmental budget.

Office of the Provost

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