Chapel Attendance

Chapel Attendance

Corporate worship is a unifying spiritual experience that epitomizes the central emphasis of a Christian campus. Therefore, all teachers and administrative leaders (when in the city) are expected to make chapel attendance a priority, in the College of Arts & Sciences particularly on Wednesdays when other employees are encouraged to attend. Regular chapel attendance on the part of the faculty is an example for students and ought to be considered a normal part of a teacher’s responsibility as a member of the Bethel community. Faculty members can help students view this worship experience as one of the essential unifying aspects of life on a Christian campus by their personal encouragement and their example of faithful attendance.

On-campus offices/services will be closed for walk-in service when chapels are in session. Academic departments and committees are urged to not schedule meetings during the chapel time slot. Those administrative offices/services with significant external phone traffic will have someone available to take calls. (Central administration offices located in the College of Arts & Sciences complex will follow the CAS chapel schedule.) Offices/services will be open during the chapel time slot on days when chapels, programs, or events are not scheduled. When chapels, convocations, or programs are scheduled on days on which they are not usually held, offices/services will close. The following offices, because of their off-campus location or their strategic function, will not close for chapel: Office of Alumni Relations and Office of Parent and Family Services, Bethel Foundation, College of Adult & Professional Studies/Seminary/Graduate School, Office of Development, Health Services, Facilities Management, Purchasing Office, Office of Safety and Security, Benson Great Hall Ticket Office, and both switchboards.

Office of the Provost

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