Grade Reports

Grade Reports

Faculty in the College of Arts & Sciences are encouraged to submit Course Progress Reports for students who are at academic risk in their classes. The report is forwarded to the student, their advisor, their coach if applicable, and the AESC office, and is designed to help connect the student with additional resources. Course Progress Reports can be submitted at any time during the semester through Beacon. Grades are due by 11:59 p.m. four business days after the last day of the semester (or half-semester).

Faculty are strongly encouraged to submit grades for each of their classes to the Registrar online as soon as they are available, even before the deadline; i.e., completed grades for one class should be submitted even though grades for other classes are not yet complete.

In the Seminary, grades are due within two weeks of the last day of the semester.

In CAPS/GS, grades are due within two weeks of the last day of class.

Office of the Provost
Updated July 28, 2020