Final Examinations

Final Examinations

Special provision is made for two-hour examination periods at the end of each term in the College of Arts & Sciences. No changes in the examination schedule will be made except by approval of the University Registrar. The final examination schedule is published by the Registrar prior to the start of the term. No student may take an examination early but may petition to take an examination late if she/he is scheduled for three examinations in one day.

The school’s policy on final exams is that every regular academic course must include a final exam or other final appropriate academic exercise within the final exam schedule. In lieu of a final exam which covers the entire course, the following have been declared to be “appropriate academic exercises:” a paper due at the time of the regularly scheduled final exam period; a unit test similar to others given during the term which covers only a part of the course; or a class meeting or academic exercise required during regularly scheduled final exam period. Final exams should not be advanced into the last week of classes because this impacts negatively on student performance in other classes.

Office of the Provost

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