Research, Publication, and Patents

Research, Publication, and Patents

Although Bethel is primarily a teaching institution, faculty members are encouraged to engage in research and publication. The scholar should aspire to break new ground in discovery, invention, and application. The Bethel faculty member's commitment will extend to full participation in the larger community of scholars, active involvement in learned societies and publication of scholarly books, essays and reviews. The school will support such scholarship with released time, equipment, clerical assistance, and travel fund.

Bethel teachers essentially devote their full time to the teaching process. Although research is important to the continuous development of the teacher and the enrichment of classroom teaching, it is viewed as secondary on the Bethel campus. Therefore, the school does not have any vested interest in patents faculty may develop out of this research. They are the sole property of the individual involved. For a further discussion of this topic, see General Policy on Intellectual Property.

Office of the Provost

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