Effective Working Relationships

Effective Working Relationships

Bethel has been well described as a Christian learning community. In order to be exemplars of the learning processes as well as mentors and guides to student learners, each faculty member is expected to make certain basic commitments to the distinctive Bethel community of which she or he is a member.

1.   Relations with Classes

  • The teacher will note and seek to consider individual differences among students.
  • The teacher's aim will be a just and impartial, yet sympathetic, friendly and courteous, treatment of each student.
  • The teacher will not impose personal, economic, political, or theological views on students; but rather will grant them freedom of discussion and opinion.
  • The teacher will hold inviolate confidential information about, or given by, students except when it should be disclosed to the proper authorities for the purpose of maintaining standards of the school or for the safety or good of the student.
  • The teacher will give counsel with a view to the best interests of students rather than to obtain majors or fill classes.
  • The teacher will not tutor one’s own students for extra remuneration.
  • The teacher will seek to demonstrate how course content can be viewed or interpreted from a Christian perspective.

2.   Relations with Colleagues

a.   In the School

    • The teacher will assist in democratically determining and loyally supporting and effecting the policies of the school.

    • The teacher will accept full responsibility for personal statements and actions.
    • The teacher will give loyal support to associates on the campus.
    • The teacher will be marked by modest giving and gracious exchange of constructive advice.
    • The teacher will be gracious in giving due credit and praise for the accomplishments of others.
    • The teacher will hold as confidential unusual information about associates.
    • The teacher will generally not interfere in relations between a colleague and student unless the colleague asks for aid. Advisors when requested may choose to assist their students in fostering dialogue with other faculty.
    • The teacher will never undermine the character or work of a colleague directly or by implication, nor make an issue to others of legitimate differences between them.
    • The teacher will aid when possible in obtaining merited promotions by fellow workers.
    • The teacher will, when considering the interruption or termination of his or her service, recognize the effect of that decision upon the program of the institution and give due notice of his or her intentions.

b.   In the Teaching Profession

    • The teacher will seek to maintain the dignity and the integrity of the profession by upholding high standards and by refraining from unprofessional and unchristian attitudes and practices.
    • The teacher will affiliate with professional groups seeking to raise the standards of the profession.

3.   Relations with the community

  • The teacher will indicate when speaking as a private citizen that he or she is not speaking for or representing the institution.
  • The teacher will participate in the life of a local church and is encouraged to exercise leadership in the larger Christian community.

Office of the Provost

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