eFolioMN Step by Step Instructions

eFolioMN Step by Step Instructions

eFolioMN Step by Step Instructions


eFolio MN is now private and is no longer used by Bethel.  We now recommend the use of Google Docs for a repository portfolio or Google Sites for a web based portfolio.

A brief tutorial to assist you in setting up and building your eFolio Minnesota Portfolio.  You can get additional assistance from TLT in the BU Library, via email to ed-tech@bethel.edu, or 651-635-8527.

Download pdf print version of this document: efolio-instructions.pdf

Additional Resources:

  1. www.bethel.edu/offices/tlt/resources/e-portfolio
  2. At http://efoliomn.com check out the "Resources" and "Online Support"
  3. Use the "?Help" icon at lower screen right in your eFolioMN work space
  4. Contact Bethel University's Teaching and Learning Technology team at ed-tech@bethel.edu

Video Tutorials

These YouTube tutorials from William Underwood Jr., St. Cloud State University are also very helpful.

Step-by-step instructions

Create your eFolioMN account:

  1. Go to: http://efoliomn.com > Sign Up (link on left) > Follow instructions (no group code needed)
  2. IMPORTANT: Use your Bethel email address
  3. Your password must have 8 characters; REMEMBER your password


  1. Go to http://efoliomn.com > click on "Login Version 2" icon on left
  2. Username = Bethel email address (or whatever email address you used when you signed up)
  3. Password = the password you created when you signed up
  4. Forgot your password? Enter your email address and click "Login continue…" > "click here if you forgot your password"

Workspace overview:

  1. Across the top are tabs titled "Build", "Mail", "Designs", "Utilities", "Accounts". Use these to navigate to the different areas in your workspace
  2. On the right are the tools used to create the web pages that will constitute your electronic portfolio. They are "Site", "Private" or "Public", and "Home"
  3. The middle section is where portfolio web pages are built
  4. On the left are the tools needed to build the portfolio web pages: "New Content", "To Do", "My Content" and "Trash"

Add an ePortfolio Site (Build):

  1. Click on the "Build" tab across the top ("Build" is the default)
  2. With the creation of your eFolioMN account you received a personal ePortfolio. This is designated with your name in the "Site" drop down box at screen right
  3. To add more ePortfolio sites:
    1. Click on the green "+" icon below the "Site" drop down box
    2. Name your site in the space for "Site Label" (normally this would be the name of your degree program)
    3. Give your site a URL Shortcut (this must be in lowercase with no spaces)
    4. Choose "public" or "private". Public means that anyone can see your ePortfolio. Private means that you can control who sees your ePortfolio site.
    5. Click "ok" at the bottom

Add web pages to your ePortfolio Site:

  1. Enter the site that you want to work in using the drop down box next to "Site" at screen right
  2. Click on the word "Home" at screen right
  3. A yellow tool box will appear with the choices "build", "Properties", "Add" and "Delete"
  4. Click on "Add"
  5. Give your new web page a Title and a URL Shortcut (lowercase; no spaces)
  6. Click "OK" at the bottom
  7. Add as many web pages as you like under "Home"
  8. In the same way you can add pages under other links besides home once you have created them.
  9. Click the "Preview" button to see your work as it will display to a visitor to your ePortfolio site

Add content to your workspace:
Upload files:

  1. Click on "New Content" at screen left
  2. Click on "Upload" > "File"
  3. A yellow tool box will appear. Click on the "upload" icon
  4. A form will appear in the middle of your screen. Fill out this form:
    1. Click on Browse to find the file that you want to upload in your computer directory
    2. Click on the file and click "open"; or double-click on the file
    3. Give your file a Title
    4. If you choose, give your file a description
    5. Leave the "Reflection" and "Feedback" areas blank
    6. Click "Save" at the bottom
    7. Your file has now been uploaded to your eFolioMN website and is available in your "My Content" area at lower screen left
    8. Upload as many files as you like

Create a "Basic" artifact:

  1. Click on "New Content" at screen left
  2. Click on "Add New" > Click on "General" > Click on "Basic"
  3. A yellow tool box will appear. Click on the "create" icon

Title, Brief Text, Full Text:

    1. Give your "Basic" artifact a title
    2. If you choose, include "Brief Text" which is a description of the artifact
    3. If you choose, include "Full Text"; copy and paste or type content that you want displayed. (i.e., a resume, contact info, professional goals, a welcome, etc.)

Related Content:

    1. If you choose, include "Related Content" which are files related to the artifact
    2. Click on "Related Content"
    3. Click on the "My Content" tab at lower screen left > File >
    4. Click on the file that you wish to include in this artifact
    5. Drag it in to the "Related Content" area in the middle of the screen


    1. If you choose, include a "Reflection" of the "Full Text" or the "Related Content"
    2. Click on "Reflections" > "Add"
    3. Type or paste your reflection in the text box
    4. Click "Save" at the bottom of the screen to save your reflection
    5. Click "Save" at the bottom of the screen to save your "Basic" artifact

Build your ePortfolio web pages:

  1. On the right, click on the web page that you would like to add content to (i.e., "Home", or any other web page that you created).
  2. A yellow tool box will appear, click on "Build"
  3. Notice the name of the of the web page that you chose is listed at the top of your work space in the yellow header
  4. Click on "My Content" at lower screen left
  5. Click on "Basic"
  6. Click on the "Basic" artifact that you would like to display on the chosen web page and drag it into the middle of your workspace

Define Content Properties:
Fields & Formatting:

  1. Move your mouse over the right side of the "Basic" artifact that you just dragged into your workspace to see a tool bar
  2. Click on the "Content Properties" icon which looks like a screw driver and wrench crossed
  3. In the screen that appears you will notice two tabs: "Fields & Formatting" and "Feedback Setup"
  4. In the "Fields & Formatting" tab, choose which fields in your "Basic" artifact you want to be visible to your viewers
  5. Click on the name of the field and choose if you want it visible or not by checking or unchecking the "Show Field" and "Show Label" fields under "Formatting"
  6. You can format the field further using the formatting icons to the right. Notice the preview that is available on the right
  7. Click "Ok"

Feedback Setup:

  1. Click on the "Feedback Setup" tab
  2. Choose which forms of feedback you would like to allow viewers
  3. If you would like to have feedback viewable on your web pages click "Show received Feedback" and if you choose, "Show author names"
  4. Click "Ok"

Choose a look and feel for your ePortfolio site (Designs):

  1. Click on the "Design" tab across the top of the screen
  2. Under "Choose a design" at screen left, click on the "Design group" drop down box
  3. Choose a group from which you would like to view designs.
  4. The "Other MN Higher Ed" group includes the "Bethel University" design
  5. Click on the design you would like
  6. Click on "preview" or "apply" buttons, upper screen right

Share your PUBLIC eFolioMN site with others (Browse):

  1. you make your eFolioMN site public then anyone who has the web-address (URL) can access your account. Simply give them the URL that is in the browse bar of your browser (i.e., firstnamelastname.efoliomn.com).
  2. To make your eFolioMN site public in the "Build" tab make sure your have selected the site that you want to make public in the "Site" drop down box.
  3. Click on the drop down list towards top screen left that offers the choices "Private," "Public" and "Disabled"
  4. Choose "Public"
  5. Send the URL to those you want to have access.

Share your PRIVATE eFolioMN site with others (Accounts):

  1. If you have made your eFolioMN site "Private" then you will need to invite others to view your it
  2. Click on the "Accounts" tab at top screen right
  3. Click on "Visitors" at screen left
  4. Click on "Add New"
  5. Enter the First and Last name and email address of the person that you would like to give permission to view your site
  6. Click "Ok"
  7. That person will receive an email from eFolioMN with a link to your site

Mail and Feedback:

  1. Click on the "Mail" tab across the top of the screen
  2. Under "Inbox" at screen left view "Announcements", "Visitor Feedback", and "Sponsors and Partners"


  1. Click on the "Utilities" tab across the top of the screen to see a history of activity on your eFolioMN site