Options for Where to Send Voicemail Messages

Options for Where to Send Voicemail Messages


This article presents the three voicemail options that are available for Bethel phone numbers associated with a Polycom desk phone and how to request a change to a different option from what your phone is currently set to.


  1. Voicemail messages are sent directly to the Polycom desk phone in your office. For instructions on how to access your voicemail messages on the desk phone, see the following Confluence article: Setting Up Your Voicemail on your Bethel Polycom Phone.
  2. Voicemail messages are sent directly to the email address of your choice as an email containing an audio file of the message. The default location for this would be your Bethel email address, but it can also be set to a department email, other employee's email, etc. Messages are not sent to or accessible from the Polycom desk phone in your office.
  3. Voicemail messages are sent to the Polycom desk phone in your office, with a carbon copy sent to the email address of your choice (combination of options 1 and 2).

If you are a new user or are inheriting a new desk phone line, the default option the phone is set to is option 1 for sending voicemail messages only to the desk phone.

Requesting a change to another option

If you currently have your phone number set to option 1, there is a form that can be filled out to change to option 2 or 3 at this link: Voicemail to Email Form. The options in this form read as "A voicemail in your email (no voicemail will be stored on the phone)" (this is option 2) and "A voicemail in your email and on the phone (you will need to delete from physical phone to clean out the voicemail box)" (this is option 3). This will create a service ticket with the Network Services team, who will change to the desired option in the phone system.

If you currently have your phone number set to option 2 or 3 and want it set back to option 1, please email the ITS Help Desk at helpdesk@bethel.edu. Your ticket will be forwarded to our Network Services team, who will change the option in the phone system.

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