Nontenure Continuing Appointments

Nontenure Continuing Appointments

Full-time university faculty members without the terminal degree completed may apply for “nontenure continuing appointment” status until all degree requirements, including dissertation, have been met. These appointments will carry all the appropriate responsibilities and privileges of full-time faculty, including opportunity for promotion and sabbatical. They may first apply after five years of annual appointments, and if this status is granted will receive a three-year appointment; completion of this appointment will result in subsequent three-year nontenure continuing appointments conditional on successful performance of assigned duties. They will receive annual salary agreements. The process of renewal of this category of appointment will begin with a review of the faculty member's performance by the appropriate faculty committee, with a recommendation to the administration.

If a faculty member serving under a “nontenure continuing appointment” completes the terminal degree, he or she may apply for transfer to a tenure-track appointment. Length of service under a continuing appointment will apply to consideration for tenure. Agreement by the institution to offer a tenure-track contract will lead to normal review by the appropriate faculty committee.

Office of the Provost