Tenure and Tenure Renewal

Tenure and Tenure Renewal

Faculty must complete the doctorate or other terminal professional degree such as the M.S.W./M.F.A./M.P.A.S. in order to become eligible to be considered for tenure. Where exceptions to the doctoral degree are listed below, they are related to eligibility for tenure. Faculty who do not hold a doctoral or another terminal professional degree may apply for a nontenure continuing appointment as described below.

New faculty members normally serve on an annual basis for up to five years. At that time tenure or a nontenure, a continuing appointment may be granted, or the teacher is advised that the work being done does not merit tenure or a nontenure continuing appointment and that opportunities might wisely be sought elsewhere (see Notification of Non-Reappointment). In rare instances, the probationary period may be extended to a maximum of seven years. When tenure or a nontenure continuing appointment is considered, attention is given to the effectiveness of the faculty member as a teacher, to the person's professional growth, to the measure in which the teacher has become a contributing and cooperating member of the academic and spiritual community at Bethel. Athletic team coaching experience and other co-curricular supervision do not provide a basis for granting tenure.

In all programs, completion of a doctoral degree program or similar terminal degree is the preferred standard for tenure eligibility. College of Arts & Sciences and CAPS/GS faculty in the programs discussed below are encouraged to complete such a program, although the completion of a doctoral degree is not currently required for tenure eligibility. Minimum standards for tenure in the following departments include completion of an appropriate graduate degree and a program of ongoing professional development approved by the Provost. The continuing education may take the form of participation in professional and scholarly activities and programs, related professional certification programs, and/or formal graduate studies in the discipline or a related field as approved by the Provost. Such studies and activities are intended to give assurance of continued growth in theoretical and applied knowledge and the strengthening of related professional skills. Review of the individual’s professional development program will occur as part of renewal of tenure or promotion.

Nursing: Faculty members holding an appointment in the Nursing Department are expected to have a master's degree in nursing and have been admitted to a doctoral program in nursing or related areas in order to qualify for tenure consideration.

Business: As a minimum requirement, faculty persons whose primary responsibility is teaching accounting are required to hold an MBA (or equivalent) and CPA certification in order to qualify for eligibility for tenure. Such persons are also expected to meet the continuing common educational standards related to the teaching and professional practice of accounting. All other faculty persons teaching in business are required, as a minimum standard for eligibility for faculty tenure, to hold an MBA related to their teaching area and show evidence of active involvement in a regular schedule of continuing education.

Computer Science: As a minimum standard for eligibility for tenure, faculty members teaching in computer science are required to hold a master’s degree in computer science or a related area and show evidence of active involvement in a regular schedule of continuing education.

Athletic Training: As a minimum requirement, faculty persons whose primary responsibility is teaching athletic training are required to hold a master’s degree in a related field (either Master of Science or Master of Physical Therapy), obtain the equivalent of one year post-master’s education, and remain current in their field. The College of Arts & Sciences has defined 150 continuing educational units in athletic training as the equivalent of one year of post-masters, doctoral level coursework. Such persons are also expected to meet the continuing common educational standards related to the teaching and professional practice of athletic training.

Physician Assistant: As a minimum requirement, faculty persons whose primary responsibility is teaching in the Physician Assistant Program are required to hold a master’s degree in Physician Assistant Studies (M.P.A.S.) or equivalent. Such persons are also expected to meet the continuing educational and licensure standards related to the teaching and professional practice of physician assistant.  

Only in rare instances will tenure be granted without the terminal degree. In exceptional cases, tenure may be granted upon initial appointment to those coming with the rank of professor from other institutions. An initial term of tenure is for five years, with a review by the appropriate committee at the end of the period. Subsequent reviews of tenure will occur at seven-year intervals.

Promotion and Tenure Committee Responses to Faculty Applications for Tenure Renewal - College of Arts & Sciences

The P&T Committee will respond to a proposal for tenure renewal in one of the following ways. 

1.   Recommend tenure renewal for a 7-year period.
2.   Recommend tenure renewal for a 3-year period.
3.   Recommend denial of continuing tenure.

The committee will provide an opportunity for the applicant to provide additional information before making a recommendation of renewal for a 3-year period or for denial of continuing tenure.

When reviewing a candidate who has just completed a 3-year renewal period, the committee will include in its evaluation and assessment of the degree to which a faculty member has addressed previously communicated concerns. Barring extenuating circumstances, the committee will then recommend either renewal for a 7-year period or denial of the continuing tenure.

Approved by CAS Faculty Senate
November 2, 2022

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