Application - Google Sites

Application - Google Sites

Getting Started with Google Sites


Need a Google Site?

Google sites has now been turned on for your Bethel account! (September 2013)

Use a Google site for:

  • personal websites
  • professional websites
  • class projects

Google sites should not be used for:

  • department or program websites
  • office websites
  • official university communication


To create a Google site:

Option 1: Go directly to https://sites.bethel.edu

Option 2: Go to your Bethel email (https://mail.bethel.edu), click the apps icon in the upper right, and select  "Sites" .

Option 3: Go to your Bethel Google Drive

2. Click the + New button and select More and then select Google Sites.

If you run into any problems with the form, please email web-services@bethel.edu. If you have any questions once you're editing your site, Google has great documentation to get you started.

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