CAS, CAPS, and GS Faculty

CAS, CAPS, and GS Faculty

In the event of a personal grievance, the following procedures shall be followed:

Step One: Mediation

The faculty member will confer with the Immediate Past Moderator (IPM) (CAPS/GS) or the Past President (IPP) of the Faculty Senate (CAS) within two calendar months of the event or action giving rise to the grievance.

Step Two: Committee Review

If a satisfactory resolution of the grievance is not achieved in Step One, written notification of the grievance will be filed with the Provost within one week stating the nature of the grievance, the parties involved, and that an attempt has been made to settle the grievance with the help of the IPM/IPP. Within two weeks of the receipt of the written notification the Provost shall convene an Ad Hoc Grievance Review Committee. This committee shall consist of three members selected as follows: one faculty member chosen by each of the parties to the grievance, and the IPM/IPP who shall serve as chair of the committee.

The purposes of the committee are to be investigatory and advisory, and it will be considered to be empowered to gather such evidence or testimony as it deems necessary to adequately hear the grievance. It will follow methods and procedures it determines to be appropriate to the nature of the grievance being heard and will keep a record of its work. It will report its findings and recommendations to the Provost and the President within 30 days, and copies of the report will be sent to the parties to the grievance.

The record of the committee's work will be maintained by the committee chair, who will transmit the file to the Office of the President for appropriate storage immediately following the issuance of its recommendation. Records more than five years old will be destroyed.

The President and the Provost together shall act upon the committee’s recommendations within 15 days of receipt of the committee’s report. Written notification of their decision shall be sent to the parties involved and the IPM/IPP.

Step Three: Post Grievance Procedures

1.   If a party to the grievance procedure is not satisfied with the final decision concerning the grievance, and the grievance is a claim, dispute or other matter relating to that party’s employment agreement or the employment relationship of that party with Bethel University, then the dissatisfied party may commence an arbitration proceeding as provided for in the Arbitration Procedures (see section below).

2.   Any other matter may also be submitted for binding arbitration in accordance with the arbitration procedure contained in this handbook, upon mutual agreement of the parties.

3.   If the subject matter of the grievance is a claim of alleged discrimination prohibited by State or Federal law, then the grievance may be submitted to binding arbitration upon mutual agreement of the parties, or alternatively, a party may pursue other legal recourse available under State and Federal law.


1.   If the IPM/IPP is party to a grievance, the Moderator (CAPS/GS) or President of the Faculty Senate (CAS) will assume the role and duties of the IPM/IPP described above.

Office of the Provost

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