Faculty Leaders Meeting

Faculty Leaders Meeting

Organized in collaboration with: Provost


  1. President of Faculty Senate from the College of Arts & Sciences
  2. Vice President of Faculty Senate from the College of Arts & Sciences
  3. Chair of Faculty Affairs Council from the College of Adult & Professional Studies, Seminary, and Graduate School
  4. Vice Chair of Faculty Affairs Council from the College of Adult & Professional Studies, Seminary, and Graduate School
  5. Past Chair of Faculty Affairs Council from the College of Adult & Professional Studies, Seminary, and Graduate School
  6. President’s Cabinet

Term: Faculty members serve during their term as an elected faculty leader as noted above

Description: The primary purpose of the Faculty Leaders Meeting is to provide the opportunity for regular interaction and communication between the elected leaders of the faculty in each of our schools and the senior administration.

Meetings: Meetings will be held approximately twice during fall and spring terms. Additional meetings will be called as needed.

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