Institutional Review Board (for research with humans)

Institutional Review Board (for research with humans)

This committee is required by the Federal Government.

Organized in collaboration with: Provost

Membership: Members are chosen by Bethel Administration.

Chair: faculty member familiar with review procedures, ethical standards for research.


  1. External rep familiar with ethics
  2. Administrator from Business Affairs or People and Culture
  3. Administrator from Student Life
  4. Faculty representatives from academic departments, including CAPS/GS programs (2-4 faculty members)

Term: Members are appointed by Bethel administration for extended terms.

Description: The IRB will meet at least once each semester, at approximately the fourth week of the term, to review proposals for research. Other meetings may be called as necessary. The committee reviews and approves research proposals according to the guidelines of the IRB and academic departments. It also periodically reviews existing Bethel policies and practices on the use of human subjects in research; recommend a systematic review process to the faculty and administration; and review and approve faculty, staff, or student research as required by an external organization.

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