Retirement Governance Advisory Committee

Retirement Governance Advisory Committee

Organized in collaboration with: People and Culture


  1. CAS faculty member
  2. CAPS/GS faculty member
  3. Seminary faculty member
  4. Retiree
  5. Converge member
  6. Board of Trustees member
  7. Exempt staff member
  8. Non-exempt member
  9. Vice President of Finance (ex-officio)
  10. Vice President of People and Culture (ex-officio)
  11. Benefits Manager (ex-officio)

Term: 3 year term

Description: Serves as an advisory committee for both the Defined Contribution and Defined Benefits Plans.

Duties: Provides employee feedback and recommendations to the Administration on retirement plan amendments, plan design changes, investment offerings, and funding strategies.

Meetings: One annually, and as needed thereafter.

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