Faculty Leadership Collaboration

Faculty Leadership Collaboration

Organized in collaboration with: Provost


  1. CAS: the current President and Vice President of the Senate

  2. CAPS/GS: the current Faculty Moderator and Vice Moderator

  3. Seminary: 2 representatives elected by the Seminary faculty

Term: 2 years, cycling through Senate VP and President years

Description: The purpose of the collaboration is to provide an informal forum for communication among faculty leadership of the three units, CAS, Seminary, and CAPS/GS, in which to share the perspectives, visions, and concerns of their faculties. The FLC will encourage communication, understanding, and cooperation, among the three units and senior University leadership. 

  1. The FLC is not seen as a formal committee or higher level of faculty governance.  

  2. All faculty governance structures will continue to operate independently.

  3. Collaboration between faculty leadership should provide opportunities for an enriching exchange of vision regarding educational initiatives, techniques, and policies.

  4. Collaboration should also provide a forum for sharing faculty inquiries and concerns.

  5. FLC members should disseminate information from the collaborative discussions with their respective faculty governance units.

  6. If necessary, inquiries, suggestions, or concerns could be distributed to university wide or unit faculty committees.

  7. The FLC could request to meet with the Provost and/or University President as deemed necessary.

Meetings: Two times a semester and more as needed as determined by the group

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