University Wellbeing Committee

University Wellbeing Committee

Organized in collaboration with: Provost


  1. Chair (Director of Wellbeing Initiatives)
  2. Three Faculty
  3. One People and Culture Representative
  4. One Diversity and Inclusion Representative
  5. One Campus Ministries Representative
  6. One Student Life Representative
  7. One Health Services Representative
  8. One Counseling Services Representative
  9. One Wellness Center Representative

 Term:  1 Year – with option to renew involvement

Officers: Director of Wellbeing Initiatives serves as chair—Secretary to be chosen from the members.

Description: Responsible to promote a university wide culture that cultivates individual and systemic wellbeing by providing resources and coordinating wellbeing efforts across the university.

Duties: The University Wellbeing Committee is responsible to

  1.  Develop and maintain a strategic plan for wellbeing at Bethel University
  2.  Develop and maintain a centralized resource center (digital or physical or both)
  3.  Assist the Director of Wellbeing Initiatives in coordinating wellbeing efforts

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