Personnel Records

Personnel Records

Personnel files are maintained on all Bethel employees. Bethel respects the confidentiality of your personnel information, and it is our intention to release information from your file only in accordance with the following guidelines.

Your personnel file is available for your review once every six months upon written request to the Office of People and Culture. If you dispute specific information contained in your personnel file, we will attempt to reach an agreement with you regarding that information. If we cannot reach an agreement, you have the right to submit a written statement for inclusion in your file explaining your position on the disputed information. Contact the Office of People and Culture for additional information on this subject.

Official personnel records contain job-related information that falls into the following general categories:

  • Information that you included on your employment application and/or resume, along with employment eligibility verification and appointment documentation
  • Information on job changes that you have made at Bethel, including job descriptions Performance reviews
  • Information that is related to your compensation, including annual salary letters
  • All job-related letters and memos of which you should have knowledge

In response to external inquiries, the Office of People and Culture will verify dates of employment and job titles but will provide no other information to anyone without your written authorization unless required by statute or an appropriate court order, summons, subpoena, or search warrant. Only documented, job-related information will be used as reference data. If you want salary information released to a creditor or other party, please submit a written request to the Office of People and Culture.

If you receive an external inquiry about a current or former employee, do not provide any information. Direct the inquiry to the Office of People and Culture.

Questions about the release of information to the media for public relations purposes should be directed to the Office of Marketing and Communications.

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